Guest Post

We the team “Connect Kreations” our alliance “Ideaota” have started a Blog  which is eminently beneficial to all the Individuals/Students/Proffesionals who are seeking jobs and are eager to develop themselves in related areas. As the world is quick on uptake, our website also focuses on latest trends in “recent technologies/projects/Open blogs on any topics from Guest Submission”. We are continuously putting our efforts to provide you with accurate, best quality, and genuine information.

The website is open to all and we want all of you to make the best use of this opportunity and get benefit from it..🤓

Our Websites

1: Connect Kreations
2: ( Our Business website )

Every writer must start somewhere. Guest blogging at “Connect Kreations” our alliance “Ideaota” is a chance to get some writing experience under your belt and some online publication credits to your name. This is also an opportunity to practice pitching and submitting your work in a an online environment that is supportive and wants to help you succeed.

🌟 Calling All Writers and Thought Leaders! Share Your Insights with the World! 🌟

Are you passionate about a particular topic? Do you have knowledge, expertise, or unique perspectives you’re eager to share? We invite you to become a contributor and share your wisdom with our global audience!

At “Connect Kreations” our alliance “Ideaota”, we believe in the power of ideas and knowledge-sharing. Our platform is dedicated to fostering a community of writers, thought leaders, and experts who can inspire, educate, and entertain readers from all walks of life.

Whether you’re an expert in technology, a sustainability enthusiast, a wellness advocate, a business guru, or a connoisseur of culture and art, we welcome your voice. Our platform is open to a wide range of topics and niches, so you can write about what truly matters to you.

Why contribute to “Connect Kreations” our alliance “Ideaota”?

Reach a Global Audience: Your insights will be seen by readers around the world.
Amplify Your Voice: Establish yourself as an authority in your field.
Inspire and Educate: Share your knowledge and experiences to make a positive impact.
Connect and Collaborate: Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.
Personal Growth: Improve your writing skills and personal development.

Ready to make your mark on the digital landscape? Join our community of writers and start crafting articles that inform, entertain, and inspire. Together, let’s create a platform where ideas flourish and knowledge knows no bounds.

Here are some of the Ideas and Topics to get you started

Scientific Discoveries

Note: We are open to any topic of your interest. Please follow the guide lines before writing on any topic, as we are trying to build open source knowledge hub, we need to maintain the quality art work and true writing.

 If you have an interesting story to tell we are here, we want to hear from you!

Submission Guidelines

Do have an informative and exciting headline, a great featured image, an attention-grabbing and to-the-point introduction, a clearly written and coherent body, and a solid conclusion?. These are simple elements that will help readers discover and enjoy your article.

Story: Make sure you have a great data-related story to tell – one our readers won’t have heard before and one that doesn’t (explicitly or implicitly) promote a product or approach that you or your company are marketing.
Headline: Your title should be a reflection of the content of the article. It should engage readers without being clickbait. Be aware that if we accept your article, our editors will revise your title as necessary. Titles and headings should be written in sentence case. This means that the first letter of the first word should be capitalized and, generally, the rest should be lowercase. We don’t use all caps for titles, headings, subheadings, etc.
Images: If you want to include a featured image, the size of your featured image should be a 2:1 ratio (for example, 2000 x 1000), and not smaller than 1200 x 600. Make sure your image is licensed for commercial use! For all images, please make sure to correctly cite the sources and verify that you have the right to use them. If you don’t have a featured image, we are happy to add one
Note: Please be aware that we often alter or replace titles and featured images in order to appeal to our readers and help your ideas reach as many people as possible.
Conflicts of interest: Make sure you clearly disclose any conflicts of interest. Let readers know if your company or a company you’re invested in stands to benefit from the messaging in the story. Readers appreciate clarity and no one wants to feel manipulated. If there is a small amount of promotional material in your article, we may accept your article, but we will remove text and images that appear to be marketing or promotion during the editing process.
Links: Please do not add links to your company or website in the body of your article unless they’re absolutely necessary. You can include a link in your bio at the end. We also ask that you do not include affiliate links in your article.
Introduction: Your introduction should jump quickly into your main idea. Let readers know what makes your article important and why they should care about it. If you need to discuss the history or backstory of a concept, that can be included later in the article. If you’re looking for guidance regarding article length, 800-1,200 word articles tend to do well. However, don’t be afraid to submit a longer article if you want to explore a topic deeply!
Body: The body of your article needs to establish why your topic is important, why you are the one who has the answer, and how your solution works. There should be a logical progression of ideas that clearly establishes the importance of your topic and your own expertise. Make a strong, clear argument supported by examples, details, and/or data.
1. Create original content! Everyone prefers fresh information that they haven’t seen before.
2. Verify that your information is accurate. Once your article has been published, it’s public record and a permanent reflection of you, your company, and your work.
Conclusion: Your conclusion should wrap up the main idea of your article. It should leave readers with a solid understanding of what they’ve read and excited about where they can go from here.
Bio: Please include a one-sentence bio at the end of your article. We only accept articles written by individuals, so please include your first and last name. If you want to add a link to your company or website, this is the place!
Contact: The author’s cantact details can be given by they own interest. You can Include your company links here also.