C program that implements a simple banking system
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This program implements a basic banking system with a balance variable that keeps track of the current balance. The deposit function adds the specified amount to the balance, the withdraw function subtracts the specified amount from the balance if it doesn’t cause the balance to go negative, and the check_balance function displays the current balance. The main function provides a menu-based interface for the user to perform these operations.


  1. Initialize a variable balance to store the current balance of the account.
  2. Create a menu-based interface for the user to perform various operations such as deposit, withdraw, and check balance.
  3. In the deposit operation, accept the amount from the user and add it to the current balance.
  4. In the withdraw operation, accept the amount from the user and subtract it from the current balance, but only if the balance after withdrawal is non-negative.
  5. In the check balance operation, display the current balance.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 until the user chooses to exit the program.


  1. Initialize a variable balance to store the current balance of the account.
  2. Create a menu-based interface for the user to perform various operations such as deposit, withdraw, and check balance.
  3. In the deposit operation, accept the amount from the user and add it to the current balance.
  4. In the withdraw operation, accept the amount from the user and subtract it from the current balance, but only if the balance after withdrawal is non-negative.
  5. In the check balance operation, display the current balance.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 until the user chooses to exit the program.

Flow Chart

                           | Initialize    |
                           | balance to 0  |
                           | Menu-based    |
                           | interface     |
                                      |  Deposit  |
                           | Accept amount |
                           | and add to    |
                           | balance       |
                                      | Withdraw   |
                           | Accept amount |
                           | and subtract  |
                           | from balance  |
                                      | Check      |
                                      | balance    |
                           | Display       |
                           | balance       |
                           | Repeat from   |
                           | step 2        |

C -Code Implementation: Method-Using Arrays

This is implemented using arrays

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct


    int acc_no;

    char acc_type;

    char name[20];

    float balance;

} account;

account customer[10];

// Initialization of array of structures

account customer[] = {

    {0, 'S', "Amy", 1000.90},

    {1, 'R', " Gail", 3000.50},

    {2, 'C', "Marc", 5000},

    {3, 'S', "Garry", 4000.80},

    {4, 'S', " Cathy", 6000.3},


// For one customer, one array element which is a structure

float amt;

int arrayIndex;

int main()


    int acctNum, choice;

    int i, flag = 0;


    printf("\n Welcome to the KLS-GIT Bank");


    printf("\n\n Please enter your digitaccount number:");

    scanf("%d", &acctNum);

    // Checking whether the account number is valid

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)


        if (customer[i].acc_no == acctNum)


            flag = 1;




    if (flag == 0)


        printf("\n Sorry!!!! Invalid account number \n");



    arrayIndex = acctNum ;

    printf("\nAccount Number: %d\t Accounttype:%c\t\tName:%s", customer[arrayIndex].acc_no,

           customer[arrayIndex].acc_type, customer[arrayIndex].name);



        printf("\n\nPlease enter your choice: ");

printf("\n\n1:Balance Enquiry 2:Deposit 3:Withdraw 4:exit :");

scanf("%d", &choice);



        case 1:



        case 2:



        case 3:






    } while (1);

    return 0;


void balance()



    printf("\n\nYour Account balance is %0.2f", customer[arrayIndex].balance);


void deposit()



    printf("Please enter the amount to be deposited:");

    scanf("%f", &amt);

    customer[arrayIndex].balance += amt;

    printf("\nRs.%0.2f is deposited in your account", amt);

printf("\n\nThe current balance is %0.2f",customer[arrayIndex].balance);


void withdraw()



    printf("\nEnter the amount to be withdrawn:");

    scanf("%f", &amt);

    if (amt > customer[arrayIndex].balance)

        printf("\nNo sufficient balance\n");



        customer[arrayIndex].balance -= amt;

printf("\nPlease collect your amount.\n\n The current balance is %0.2f\n",customer[arrayIndex].balance);



C -Code Implementation: Method Using case

#include <stdio.h>

float balance = 0.0;

void deposit(float amount) {
  balance += amount;
  printf("Deposited: %.2f\n", amount);
  printf("New balance: %.2f\n", balance);

void withdraw(float amount) {
  if (balance - amount >= 0) {
    balance -= amount;
    printf("Withdrew: %.2f\n", amount);
    printf("New balance: %.2f\n", balance);
  } else {
    printf("Insufficient balance\n");

void check_balance() {
  printf("Balance: %.2f\n", balance);

int main() {
  int choice;
  float amount;

  while (1) {
    printf("\nBanking System\n");
    printf("1. Deposit\n");
    printf("2. Withdraw\n");
    printf("3. Check Balance\n");
    printf("4. Exit\n");
    printf("Enter your choice: ");
    scanf("%d", &choice);

    switch (choice) {
      case 1:
        printf("Enter amount to deposit: ");
        scanf("%f", &amount);
      case 2:
        printf("Enter amount to withdraw: ");
        scanf("%f", &amount);
      case 3:
      case 4:
        return 0;
        printf("Invalid choice\n");

  return 0;

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