Top 50 Most asked Questions and Answer in AI/ML/DS-2022
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Learn the most asked questions and answer in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and DATA structures. Top 50 Most asked Questions and Answer in AI/ML/DS-2022.

1 .) Which of the following machine requires input from the humans but can interpret the outputs themselves?
a. Actuators
b. Sensor
c. Agents
d. AI system
2 .) PCA is most useful for non linear type models.
a. True
b. False
3 .) Which of the following is the best machine learning method?
a. accuracy
b. scalable
c. fast
d. All of above
4 .) How do we perform Bayesian classification when some features are missing?
a. We integrate the posteriors probabilities over the missing features
b. We ignore the missing features
c. We assuming the missing values
d. as the mean of all values Drop the features completely
5 .) Which of the following metacharacter is used to refer to any character?
a. %
b .@
c. All of the mentioned
6 .) How the compactness of the bayesian network can be described?
a. Locally structured
b. Fully structured
c. Partial structure
d. All of the mentioned
7 .) In what type of learning labeled training data is used___________________?
a. supervised learning
b. unsupervised learning
c. reinforcement learning
d. active learning
8 .) Which of the following is a good test dataset characteristic?
a. is representative of the dataset
b. as a whole large enough to yield meaningful results
c. All the above
d. None of above
59 .) Supervised learning and unsupervised clustering both require which is correct according to the statement.
a. hidden attribute
b .output attribute
c. categorical attribute
d. input attribute
10 .) You are given reviews of few Netflix series marked as positive, negative and neutral. Classifying reviews of a new netflix series is an example of____________
a. unsupervised learning
b. semi supervised learning
c. supervised learning
d. reinforcement learning
11 .) First order logic Statements contains______.
a. Predicate and Preposition
b. Subject and an Object
c. Predicate and Subject
d. None of the above
12 .) Following are the types of supervised learning________
a. regression
b. classification
c. subgroup discovery
d. All of above
13 .) Which algorithm is used in the Game tree to make decisions of Win/Lose?
a. Heuristic Search Algorithm
b. DFS/BFS algorithm
c. Greedy Search Algorithm
d. Min/Max algorithm
14 .) What is a top-down parser?
a. Begins by hypothesizing a sentence (the symbol S) and successively predicting lower level constituents until individual
b. preterminal symbols are written Begins by hypothesizing a sentence (the symbol S) and successively predicting upper level constituents until individual
c. preterminal symbols are written Begins by hypothesizing lower level constituents and successively predicting a sentence (the symbol S)
d. Begins by hypothesizing upper level constituents and successively predicting a sentence (the symbol S)
15 .) If machine learning model output involves target variable then that model is called as______________
a. predictive model
b. reinforcement learning
c. descriptive model
d. All of above
16 .) Which process makes two different Logical expressions look identical?
a. Unification
b. Lifting
c. Inference Process
d. None of the above
17 .) What is a perception check?
a. a cognitive bias that makes us listen only to information we already agree
b. with a method teachers use to reward good listeners in the classroom
c. any factor that gets in the way of good listening and decreases our ability to interpret correctly
d. a response that allows you to state your interpretation and ask your partner whether or not that interpretation is correct
18 .) Support Vector Machine is_______________
a. geometric model
b. probabilistic model
c. logical model
d. none
19 .) What is the consequence between a node and its predecessors while creating bayesian network?
a. Functionally dependent
b. Dependant Conditionally
c. independent
d. Both Conditionally dependant & Dependant
20 .) What is a heuristic function?
a. A function to solve mathematical problems
b. A function which takes parameters of type string and returns an integer value
c. A function whose return type is nothing
d. A function that maps from problem state descriptions to measures of desirability
21 .) What is the name of Artificial Intelligence which allows machines to handle vague information with a deftness that mimics human intuition?
a. Human intelligence
b. Boolean logic
c. Functional logic
d. Fuzzy logic
22 .) A person trained to interact with a human expert in order to capture their knowledge
a. knowledge developer
b. knowledge programmer
c. knowledge engineer
d. knowledge extractor
23 .) The total number of proposition symbols in AI are ____
a. 3 proposition symbols
b. 1 proposition symbols
c. 2 proposition symbols
d. No proposition symbols
24 .) The process of capturing the inference process as Single Inference Rule is known as:
a. Clauses Ponens
b. Generalized Modus
c. Ponens
d. Variables
25 .) How many types of agents are there in artificial intelligence?
a. 1
b .2
c. 3
d. 4
26 .) A column is a _________- representation of data.
a. Diagonal
b. Vertical
c. Top
d. Horizontal
27 .) Web Crawler is an example of______.
a. Intelligent Agent
b. Problem-solving agent
c. Simple reflex agent
d. Model-based agent
28 .) If machine learning model output doesn’t involves target variable then that model is called as_______________
a. predictive model
b. descriptive model
c. reinforcement learning
d. all of the above
29 .) Which learning Requires Self Assessment to identify patterns within data?
a. supervised learning
b. unsupervised learning c. semi supervised learning
d. reinforced learning
30 .) PCA is_________________
a. backward feature selection
b. forward feature selection
c. feature extraction
d. None of these
31 .) Point out the correct statement.
a. Raw data is original source of data
b. Preprocessed data is original source of data
c. Raw data is the data obtained after processing steps
d. None of the above
32 .) To campare data we can use _____ chart
a. Line b. Bar c. Pie d. Scatter
33 .) We write ______ in front of mean to let Python know that we want to activate the mean function from the Numpy library.
a. .npm.
b. .np.
c .ng.
d. .ngm.
34 .) Which of the following is not a type of Artificial Intelligence agent?
a. Learning AI agent
b. Goal-based AI agent
c. Simple reflex AI agent
d. Unity-based AI agent
35 .) Which of the following statements is incorrect about the hierarchal clustering?
a. The hierarchal type of clustering is also known as the HCA
b. The choice of an appropriate metric can influence the shape of the cluster
c. In general, the splits and merges both are determined in a greedy manner
d. All of the above
36 .) Which of the following function take only single value as input?
a. iscomplex
b. minimum
c. fmin
d. all of the mentioned
37 .) Which of the following function can be used for forecasting?
a. predict
b. forecast
c. ets
d. all of the mentioned
38 .) Which of the following is an example of feature extraction? a
a. pplying pca to project high dimensional data
b. construction bag of words from an email
c. removing stop words
d. forward selection
39 .) A correct way to preprocess the data When performing regression or classification is
a. Normalize the data → PCA → training
b. PCA → normalize PCA output → training
c. Normalize the data → PCA → normalize
d. PCA output → training None of the above
40 .) Which of the following are the approaches to Artificial Intelligence?
a. Applied approach
b. Strong approach
c. Weak approach
d. All of the mentioned
41 .) What is Decision Tree?
a. Flow-Chart
b. Structure in which internal node represents test on an attribute, each branch represents outcome of test and each leaf node represents class label
c. Structure in which internal node represents test on an attribute, each branch represents outcome of test and each leaf node represents class label
d. None of the mentioned
42 .) What is the name of the Artificial Intelligence system developed by Daniel Bobrow?
a. program known as BACON
b. system known as STUDENT
c. program known as SHRDLU
d. system known as SIMD
43 .) Which is the most significant language for Data Science?
a. R
b. Ruby
c. Java
d. None of these
44 .) Predicting with trees evaluate _____________ within each group of data.
a. equality
b. homogeneity
c. heterogeneity
d. all of the mentioned
45 .) Which of the following approach should be used if you can’t fix the variable?
a. randomize it
b. non stratify it
c. generalize it
d. none of the mentioned
46 .) Which instruments are used for perceiving and acting upon the environment?
a. Sensors and Actuators
b. Sensors
c. Perceiver
d. None of the mentioned
47 .) The effectiveness of an SVM depends upon________________
a. kernel parameters
b. selection of kernel
c. soft margin parameter
d. All of the above
48 .) Ways to achieve AI in real-life are_________. Machine Learning Deep Learning Both a & b None of the above
49 .) The output of training process in machine learning is________________
a. machine learning algorithm
b. machine learning model
c. null
d. accuracy
50 .) Of the Following Examples, Which would you address using an supervised learning Algorithm?
a. given a set of news articles found on the web, group them into set of articles about the same story
b. given email labeled as spam or not spam, learn a spam filter
c. given a database of customer data, automatically discover market segments and group customers into different market segments
d. find the patterns in market basket analysis

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